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Python Script Tests

Fill in the form details as desired and press one of the 'Get environmet' or 'Show all' buttons. A page is returned constructed by a Python script showing all environment and query parameters received bythe script. Note the difference between the buttons is in the 'SubmitBtn' value of the query parameters. The point of this is to show how a script knows which of possibly many buttons on a page initiated the form submit.

cgi parameters
check this or this one
1 2

Please give a secret word:

Shows all parameters passed by apache to the script using:

GET method with url encoding

cgi parameters
check this or this one
1 2

Please give a secret word:

Shows all parameters passed by apache to the script using:

POST method with url encoding

cgi parameters
check this or this one
1 2

Please give a secret word:

Shows all parameters passed by apache to the script using:

GET method with text/plain encoding

cgi parameters
check this or this one
1 2

Please give a secret word:

Shows all parameters passed by apache to the script using:

POST method with text/plain encoding

cgi parameters
check this or this one
1 2

Please give a secret word:

Shows all parameters passed by apache to the script using:

GET method with multipart/form-data encoding

cgi parameters
check this or this one
1 2

Please give a secret word:

Shows all parameters passed by apache to the script using:

POST method with multipart/form-data encoding